Achieving innovation in early clinical trials requires partnership and expertise. Being at the heart of world leading clinical, scientific and academic research excellence means that we can bring together the right experts needed to work together. Our expertise covers the following areas:
- Changing the patient’s role – we have expertise in working directly with patients and clinical teams to co-create solutions to change the dynamics so that patients are co-researchers contributing to new cancer medicines
- Decision science – a multidisciplinary team that combines research expertise in data insights, analytics, digital technology and behavioural science
- Regulatory framework – expertise in navigating the regulatory and ethical requirements for novel data science, device and technology trial designs
Who we work with
The University of Manchester – we collaborate with several groups at The University of Manchester to enhance our research capability, including the Research IT group and Computer Science Group.
The Christie NHS Foundation Trust, Cancer Research UK Manchester Institute – on the “CORONET – COVID-19 risk in Oncology Evaluation Tool”. Funded by The Christie Charitable Foundation, the tool will aid clinicians with decisions on patient admission and outcome predictions.
Manchester Experimental Cancer Medicine Team – we collaborate to deliver Technology Clinical Trials.
iMATCH (innovate Manchester Advanced Therapies Centre Hub) is a consortium to coordinate a strategy to scale-up advanced therapies for a range of debilitating conditions. Through the iDecide research programme, AstraZeneca is one of nine business partners in iMATCH and the digital ECMT provides digital science expertise to develop rapid monitoring capabilities and integration into algorithms to establish early-warning systems
The Cancer Core Europe building Data Rich clinical Trials (CCE-DART) programme is for 3 years and consists of 18 work packages of which the digital ECMT will lead on two, firstly, WP7 on the discovery of multi-layer complex biomarkers and secondly, WP12 on the development of online tools for Patient Reported outcome (PRO) measurements (in conjunction with the National Cancer Institute – NKI Amsterdam).